Katja, “Ride The Wave” Game of Stars competition

Hey Special Agents! You guys have been on this journey with me for quite some time now. Over a number of months, you have been with me day in and day out as I finally have been able to use creative ideas that have been in my mind for ages! I have intimately shared my passion with you, my writings, recordings, rehearsals and emotions. Thank you for listening to my sometimes crazy inspirations and thoughts. Thank you all for supporting me and trusting me to be open to this new chapter of my life and my music. I am so excited for this new single! And what better way than to reward those that have been with me from the beginning!

With the help of Special Agents on Periscope and Twitter, I have come up with a cool and fun little game based on a points system which I refer to as stars, to win some exclusive prizes and experiences.


LINK to PURCHASE the SONG: http://smarturl.it/katjaridethewave


  • Shout out on Periscope (80 stars) (100 prizes)
  • Shout out on Twitter (300 stars) (40 prizes)
  • Free digital Single of Ride The Wave (500 stars) (30 prizes)
  • Be The First to see Ride The Wave music video at private live stream of Ride The Wave Music Video release party. * (500 stars) (25 prizes)
  • Meet & Greet at Katja Concert/live show/official meet and greet (travel/hotel not included) (750 stars) (10 prizes)
  • Ride The Wave T­Shirt (800 stars) (15 prizes)
  • Vine Video made in your honor (1,000 stars) (1 prize)
  • Autographed T­Shirt (1,000 stars) (5 prizes)
  • Autographed Poster (1,000 stars) (5 prizes)
  • Private Skype/FaceTime Call for 30 min with Katja Glieson
    (1,500 stars) (5 prizes)
  • Exclusive limited edition signed CD of the single “Ride The Wave” (2,000 stars) (5 Prizes)

See anything you might like? Here’s how you can get them-

Rules For Entry: 

  • For every completed task, Special Agent MUST screenshot and send photo to Ride The Wave email – [email protected] (somethings that gain you stars, you may have already completed. These stars count! Please screenshot and send in an email)When you invite your friends to follow on specific social media, and they accept the invitation, you are usually notified, just screenshot your notification. The more friends you successfully invite, the more stars you get which means the more prizes you can claim! If, by any chance you do not receive a notification of their acceptance of your invitation, ask them to send you a screenshot.
  • Competition closes January 15th at 4pm PST/7pm EST
  • This operates as a star/point based system.  The more Special Agents participate, the more stars you rack up.

Necessary Items: Like/Follow/Subscribe

VINE throughout the competition, I may be making some vines with the #RideTheWave- here’s how you get stars….(make sure to screenshot and send to [email protected])


  • Special Agent shares a #RideTheWave Vine from Katja’s vine account on twitter (10 stars)
  • Special Agent  revines the vine (10 stars)
  • Special Agent  comments on Vine (10 stars)
  • Special Agent  favorites the vine (2 stars)
  • Special Agent  successfully Invites 5 people to follow Katja on Vine (10 stars)
  • Special Agent  successfully invites 10 people to follow Katja on Vine (30 stars)

FACEBOOK So far, you guys have been sharing the excitement about Ride The Wave. To reward your already hard work and if you are so awesome to keep it up and screenshot it and send, here is how you can get more stars!

  • Special Agent  shares posts on their personal page regarding the single pre order sales #RideTheWave (15 stars)
  • Special Agent  likes posts r regarding the single pre order sales #RideTheWave (2 stars)
  • Special Agent comments on posts regarding the single pre order sales #RideTheWave (10 stars)
  • Special Agent  makes post with #RideTheWave linking to pre order iTunes page and Katja Facebook music page in it (30 stars)
  • Special Agent  successfully invites 5 people to like Katja on Facebook (5 stars)
  • Special Agent successfully invites 10 people to like Katja on Facebook (15 stars)

YOUTUBE- This is referring to the instructional video for this competition, and any other little teasers about #RideTheWave uploaded on my youtube channel youtube.com/katjaglieson up until the official song release!

  • Special Agent upvotes the video (5 stars)
  • Special Agent subscribes to Katja Glieson on Youtube (10 stars)
  • Special Agent comments on the video (15 stars)
  • Special Agent shares video on Facebook (20 stars)
  • Special Agent shares video on Twitter (20 stars)
  • Special Agent successfully invites 5 people to subscribe to Katja (5 stars)
  • Special Agent successfully invites 10 people to subscribe to Katja (15 stars)

TWITTER we are always chatting on twitter! Here’s how you can make stars

  • Special Agent retweets @KatjaGliesom posts about #RideTheWave (5 stars)
  • Special Agent favorites @KatjaGliesom posts about #RideTheWave (2 stars)
  • Special Agent makes post tagging @KatjaGlieson #RideTheWave and link to pre order (5 stars)
  • Special Agent successfully invites 5 friends to follow Katja (5 stars)
  • Special Agent successfully invites 10 friends to follow Katja (15 stars)
  • Special Agent successfully invites 20 friends to follow Katja (40 stars)


  • Special Agent invites followers to Katja #RideTheWave periscope broadcast (10 stars)
  • Special Agent shares Katja #RideTheWave periscope broadcast on twitter within the broadcast 24 hr viewing time (10 stars)

INSTAGRAM and another way to get stars!!!!

  • Special Agent hearts an @KatjaGlieson #RideTheWave photo (2 stars)
  • Special Agent comments on an @KatjaGlieson #RideTheWave (10 stars)
  • Special Agent successfully invites 5 friends to follow Katja (5 stars)
  • Special Agent successfully invites 10 friends to follow Katja (15 stars)

SOUNDCLOUD & APPLE MUSIC I am on both soundcloud and apple music. The more friends you invite to follow me, the more stars you get. And these are counted separately per platform!!!!



  • Special Agent purchases Katja Glieson’s Ride The wave single (150 stars)


LINK to PURCHASE the SONG on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/katjaridethewave

LINK to PURCHASE the SONG on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Ride-The-Wave-Katja/dp/B017GFGG7C

LINK to PURCHASE the SONG on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=B2jnxoxhgxmbzbsr6b5unmwvb5u&tid=song-Tai2eodrtiiyqesmjj7xejzursa


Stars/Points can only be counted once.

Stars/Points will only be counted when verified.

Prizes are subject to availability. If your preferred prize is out of stock or not available, you will be offered an alternative.

Unused stars/points will roll over to go toward multiple prizes.

There is no limit to how many prizes one entrant may claim, provided they are available, and stars/points are verified.

By entering you agree to Katja Glieson general terms and conditions, Katjas ride the wave specific terms and conditions and Privacy Policy.

* In a private periscope stream broadcast time and date set by Katja Glieson. You will be notified no less than 48 hours before set time and date. Time of video may be streamed later than notified due to live event schedule delays. By accepting/receiving this prize, you agree to forfeit stars/points if by chance you are not available for the stream. This prize is subject to video release schedule.


©2025 Katja Glieson

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