#bff @annikasamoyed #puppy #samoyed
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Tagged: bff samoyed puppy
#bff @annikasamoyed #puppy #samoyed
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Tagged: bff samoyed puppy
From Katja’s Instagram Profile
🎟 tickets plz (comment ur fav flower) @fashionnova #summerfashion #fashion Tagged: summerfashion fashion From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Oh I can barely lift my arm, I did so many…. (guess what movie that’s from ) Tagged: From...
So excited to be nominated for a @shortyawards @tiktok #Katjators u can vote everyday katja.la/shortys link in bio Tagged:...
When he tells u to smile more… w/ @amandacerny Likes: Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#ComeThru artist cut coming tomorrow (tag 2 friends u love to dance with) Tagged: comethru From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Stop the haters in their tracks! Likes: Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
©2025 Katja Glieson
Awe cute
Adorable @katjaglieson @annikasamoyed
So sweet
Well hello
puppy love , @KatjaGlieson & Annika
I love this dynamic duo!!
Awwww, this is so cute !!
Oh where oh where has my Katja gone oh where oh where can she be?
Beautiful my girl :*
Herr dog @bri__0410
You’re awesomeeeee
Ur eyesss are literally goalzzz
AASSSSS @dianalarout
This is 2 cute!