comment a city u want to visit!
Welcome to the jungle Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#ComeThru Tagged: comethru From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#TBT #throwBackThursday my #burlesque #singing days! I believe that song is #NastyNaughtyBoy by #ChristinaAguilera #jazz #sexy #tease #art #ArtOfTease...
Ladies and gentlemen I present to you…. my left shoulder! Ta-daaaaaaaaa (yes it’s the same shoot, but it completes...
Where in the world do u wanna go? 🗺 (watch my lyric video #TheOnesLikeMe @nastygal Tagged: theoneslikeme From...
How to flip off ur professor by applying lip balm tag a friend who needs this life tip! Tagged:...
#IWouldKill #comingsoon Likes: Tagged: comingsoon iwouldkill From Katja’s Instagram Profile
©2025 Katja Glieson
Los Angeles!
Girl come thruuuuuu!!! ️️️
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
La Rochelle… I think you’ll love this town
Vegas again.
New york!
San Francisco..
LA if you’re there
You are simply perfect. Damn
Ibiza..and never leave it
Corpus Christi Texas
Your butt’s city
Beautiful doll
Love love love love nmmmmmmmmm