1. johnjtthomas 10 years ago

    Try hiking Mt Baldy

  2. katjaglieson 10 years ago

    @johnjtthomas but but won’t I lose my hair? And dear lord what would my dog look like if that happened? Bahahahaha

  3. camijulaine 10 years ago

    LOVE Runyon!!!

  4. johnjtthomas 10 years ago

    Fortunately, no, dork. And perhaps the only thing worse than a bald dog is a bald cat. Those things just look weird!

  5. lara.jayne 10 years ago

    Look perf

  6. rideordie824 10 years ago

    Do you ever make it up to sacramento? @katjaglieson

  7. harut__ 10 years ago

    Let’s run!

  8. creativeextrascasting 10 years ago

    Like it!

  9. its_jess_xox 10 years ago

    Please follow me zx

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