#interview time but not before I bought my new #Fable3 game can’t wait to play it tonight
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Tagged: interview fable3
#interview time but not before I bought my new #Fable3 game can’t wait to play it tonight
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Tagged: interview fable3
From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#ShootingStar is very happy to be the #liveyourhealthy campaign song! #DrsHospital Likes: Tagged: shootingstar liveyourhealthy drshospital From Katja’s...
Need to replace my water jug! Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#TheOnesLikeMe Find the courage to stand up for yourself Out May 18 Save it to ur playlist on @Spotify...
That’s a wrap #dtla Likes: Tagged: dtla From Katja’s Instagram Profile
create ur own magic Likes: Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
©2025 Katja Glieson
What game system ?
So cute !
Such a pretty lady 🙂
Ur so pretty
beautiful as always <3
It’s so much fun! Go evil!
Gorgeous as always!!!!!
X box 360 @kkkitchin I’m so old school lol
Thanks guys I’ll be getting my serious game face on very soon @marine_corps_av8r @madonnafanalways @c4rolina_blue @codeman_11 @lauziaah @ichosethepuglife @_summer_heat @a.olivenbaum212
I got mine for the 360 as well! You should friend me! Haha
Ur amazing
Ur so pretty like a star infinity and beyond cutieee
I have almost identical sweater
So gorgeous
Beautiful Katja
@katjaglieson what console (I hope it’s XBOX)
What’s your xbox gamer tag?!
Have fun playing it I love you so much❤️
Have same game system )))))
I think I see the letter from your music video look at us I love you so much
@katjaglieson so pretty !
So pretty, sorry haven’t spoken in ages xx so jel of you x ❤️
Im gonna chill out and play heavenly sword later today❤️⛅️
@katjaglieson what console? XBOX or playstation? Or is it THE PC?
@katjaglieson not old school i have the 360 too
@katjaglieson LOVE LOVE LOVE dem eyez 🙂
What’s your gamer tag? @katjaglieson
You amaze me.