There’s still time 4 my #LookAtUs #youtube #competition #win #prizes #share #comment #subscribe #like I’ll be counting today!
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There’s still time 4 my #LookAtUs #youtube #competition #win #prizes #share #comment #subscribe #like I’ll be counting today!
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From Katja’s Instagram Profile
The hottest front row ever!!! Thank u for ur positivity and support. (Tag ur fav girlfriends) I love ma...
If u were an animal, which animal would u be? Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Wanna be one of the first to watch #behindTheScenes for #LookAtUs? Make sure you sign up as a #specialagent...
How sweet the words of Truth, Breathed from the lips of Love Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Laying awake, dreaming of u Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
©2025 Katja Glieson
I’ve been getting people to leave comments
i cant to see who wins
I like your music video.
Thank u guys so much please keep sharing and watching and everything we will be having more competitions and I’m always seeing what u guys do for me! Thank u xxx