Vegan and Aussie on #thanksgiving …just thankful to be here 🧞♀️ outfit: @fashionnova makeup: @tartecosmetics
Tagged: thanksgiving
Vegan and Aussie on #thanksgiving …just thankful to be here 🧞♀️ outfit: @fashionnova makeup: @tartecosmetics
Tagged: thanksgiving
From Katja’s Instagram Profile
That’s my @guess Girl! (Tag ur #bff that totally kicks butt) Tagged: bff From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#nationalselfieday Likes: Tagged: nationalselfieday From Katja’s Instagram Profile
After #labordayweekend Likes: Tagged: labordayweekend From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Meet Bob! Do u ship it? Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Sneaking out (tag 2 friends you would sneak out with) Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
When u really gotta pee, but ur on a date… so ur still trying to be cute @augusteyn Tagged:...
Welcome to the club ️ (tag a friend who inspires u) #Katjators @augusteyn Tagged: katjators From Katja’s Instagram Profile
©2024 Katja Glieson
Is that a band aid or a thumb ring?
Happy Thanksgiving love!!
İyisin iyi ️
I am so grateful you are here. Love you! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy thanksgiving