#boo2bullying #suicide #depression
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Tagged: boo2bullying depression suicide
#boo2bullying #suicide #depression
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Tagged: boo2bullying depression suicide
From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Orange u glad I didn’t say banana? Likes: Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
#myhappyplace what’s yours? #IWouldKill #4days cred @bubbasmiley2 Likes: Tagged: myhappyplace iwouldkill 4days From Katja’s Instagram Profile
There’s still time 4 my #LookAtUs #youtube #competition smarturl.it/lookatus #win #prizes #share #comment #subscribe #like I’ll be counting today!...
I can’t with this one (tag ur sometimes inappropriately funny friend) r u ready for our song? @kingbach #comethru...
️ “sunshine on a cloudy day…” Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Step into my office…we have fries Tagged: From Katja’s Instagram Profile
Because of u, I laugh harder & smile more @amandacerny (tag ur #bff ) @itjustindoe @lilmissmegsmakeup Tagged: bff From...
©2025 Katja Glieson
bullying now ; end the suffering and the lives being destroyed : stand with the lovely @katjaglieson & #boo2bullying : watch @katjaglieson #IWouldKill @YouTube #Spotify #iTunes
link for @YouTube #IWouldKill -> http://katja.la/iwouldkill 5K views
Katja you’re the sweetest!!!
No more lives shattered by depression. No more beautiful souls crushed by bullies. It’s time to raise our voices & overcome that darkness with love. It’s time to help heal wounds & lift up those who need it most. #boo2bullying #loveislouder #notalone
Bullying needs to stop so this harmful cycle can end @katjaglieson
@katjaglieson The lack of empathy in schools and the world in general is astonishing. Bullying exists because of it.
@katjaglieson you look nice xx
️ @katjaglieson
My daughter has been bullied on school this will not be tolerated not now not ever.. the death toll of preteens and adults due to bulling is far to high and needs to be stopped period