Ok can I just say, The Blender Babes consists of some of the sweetest, most intelligent and GORGEOUS girls I have ever met!
These inspiring ladies come from all around the world to share their wisdom and positive energy.
I was so lucky to be an honorary Blender Babe for a day!
We arrived at Taste Master Studios in Santa Monica. I caught up with Blender Babes founder Tara Shaun, and we got dressed up in very comfy and stylish Lorna Jane fitwear!

I got to film making my favorite vegan summer smoothie with an amazing Blendtec blender, chat to Tara on camera, and do a little photoshoot with the gorgeous Yesenia!

Here’s some behind the scenes vids!

And some pics from the Periscope broadcast I did!

check out the blender babes here

And subscibe to their youtube channel so you’re notified when my episodes are out!

  1. Russell 10 years ago

    This was a great thing that the Blender Babes did with you. You did amazing Katja 😀

  2. Russell 10 years ago

    That was a great day, and they are amazing

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