This was my first time ever that I have been on a boat!
Me and my friends, Kelianne and Kailey were asked to join my neighbors Jake Paul and Mark Dohner on their mates yacht. You got to meet him. A very cheeky man named Carlo, who despite his questionable reasons for owning a boat-(he was kidding by the way :P) was a lovely host.
Jake and I were both interviewed by Merete Gamst, Norwegian TV host and writer from Positivista-Jake for his vine success, and you guys were right there on Periscope in my interview, because it was all about YOU! We also got to film some stuff for Jakes youtube channel too.

So here are the things you didn’t see.
We went from Marina Del Ray, to Malibu. The boat ride was lovely… after I vomited from being sea sick!
We stopped at Pacific Paradise Cove for lunch. But the trip to shore was not an easy feat.
Let me start by saying, I am terrified of the water! I don’t mind if I am on a boat, but if my body is in the water and my feet cant feel the bottom, I panic!
We had to get off the yacht into a little motor boat, that couldn’t quite take us to shore. We all put our phones in ziplock bags because we were going to have to swim to shore!

It’s bad enough that I am extremely self conscious walking around in a bikini (you all know my history), let alone having to face my fear of water.
Kelianne was the first to jump off the boat and swim to shore. Then Kailey
So when I jumped off the boat, I began to splash around like a drowning rat! And at first, I was moving further out to sea. Then, thankfully a few waves helped a girl out!
As for our phones, well Kelianne and I had ours in a separate bag to Kailey’s. Her phone and credit card and ID didn’t make it. I believe they are on their way to Australia! So if you find it, please send it back. Kailey wasn’t the only one who lost some belongings.
RIP to the 3 phones lost at sea.

Lunch was lovely. I had the only thing on the menu that was vegan. Guacamole and chips. Everyone else got to try a large arrangement of seafood, that looked like it was still alive, and didn’t smell too great hehe.

That’s kind of where our adventure takes a different path to the other guests of the yacht. We didn’t go back on the boat, because we had an event in Hollywood.

  1. Russell 10 years ago

    I am glad that you were facing one of your fears, and I know that it was a big one.

  2. Joe 10 years ago

    Hey Katja!! I caught part of your 4am Goal setting Periscope this morning. and was interested to read about your adventure on the high seas!! Hearing about you facing your fears (along with your whole story) is a great message to your fans and the people they share them with. You are an inspiration and your fanily will always be there for you.

  3. Rodrigo 10 years ago

    I wish I’d been there to take you safely to the Coast! nevertheless , I hope it has been a positive experience, love u!!!

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